In the coming days, I'd like to gather more information on the Storm, and post links and pictures of Sandy's aftermath.
Here's a great link with public information statements, from the NWS Mt Holly NJ.
Wow ! As you can see the center of Sandy passed directly over my location near Elmer NJ ! As we can see the highest winds were to the NE and SW quadrant of Sandy as she moved inland and weakened here in SJ ! The saving grace and why winds were not as strong in SJ is because as she weakened and became a Hybrid storm, all the energy and strongest winds were dispersed outward and away from the center of the storm.
The Image and additional comments below are compliments of the NWS Mt Holly NJ.
Here is a GFS forecast image of the 925mb winds and surface pressure of Sandy at 8 p.m. EDT on Monday evening with Sandy. Because surface pressure was so low, the 925mb level was much closer to the ground than usual. There were two large a...reas of forecast 70 knot or greater winds over Long Island and just southwest of our forecast area at this time. This shows how large the geographical reach of Sandy was and also why some of the strongest wind gusts occurred so far from the center
Take Care,

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